Report the crash:
If you experience a low frequency crash, the crash reporter should automatically launch. Reporting the crash will provide us with information to help prevent potential future low frequency crashes.
What if the crash reporter didn’t show after a crash:
If you have experienced a hard crash, before relaunching the game:
- Verify your game files
- Ensure your graphics drivers are up to date
- Ensure that Windows OS is up to date
- Link to Performance is Inconsistent article
When submitting a ticket, include the following information:
PC Specifications
- CPU, GPU, Driver Version, RAM
- Location of the crash in game
- Attach your save data
- After how many hours of playing did the crash occur
Is your game failing to launch?
Verify that this file path exists:
- "C:\Users\[Your Username]\Saved Games\God of War"
If it doesn't exist, create the file path and try again.
Still need help? Submit a ticket